My Friend Zalman Yanovsky Came To Visit Me On His Way Home To God

His Spirit had left his dead body behind.

My sister called me to tell me Zalman died. I started to get very sad.

My Friend Zalman came to visit me

But then I decided to look for his spirit and there he was. He wanted us to draw a book together for his beloved Rose, his wife. And we called the book, ‘ How My Friend Zalman Became An Angel’

He wanted to show her the process he went through when his body died. He saw a big orange corridor with a big Bright Yellow Light at the end of it.

He was moving down the big orange corridor, drawn by the Light.

When he moved into the light he saw all of their old friends and family members who had become spirit a while back. But the most important thing was that he wanted Rose to know that he was always by her side.

All of the Animal Family and People Family were watching over her and the Animals and the Farm. She was safe and taken care of.

The Whole World is watched over by God and his Angels. We are All taken care of.

Zalman Yanovsky was the guitarist of the 60/70’s band ‘The Loving Spoonful.

If you know anybody who may be sad because they have lost someone Please tell them about this blog.

And Stay Connected

Christine And Leo’ photographed by Andrew Hunt

All our Love

Christine and The Animals. Leo’s now in Spirit with God. We call him Papa Leo.

And Zalman’s Spirit Gives a Wave