‘Minou Sitting’ 5′ x 7′ Oil paint on canvas, Craven Road Fence Project – part of The Toronto City Beautification Project
One of the things about having Animals as Family is that they are filled with pure white light and they simply don’t live as long. But the part of them that goes home to God, the spirit, God sends back to us when we are ready.ÂÂ
This is how God explained it to me Life After Life scroll down to the second picture.ÂÂ

‘Orange Minou Sitting in An Orange Box in Our Orange House’ Mixed media on paper, By Christine Kowal
When Minou’s body died we were at the vet. She was 24 years old and her body had grown sick and tired. I new she was just waiting for me to be ready. She couldn’t walk down the hall without leaning on it.
I asked her if she wanted to go and she said if I was ready. So I made the appointment for the next morning. She went out that afternoon and said good bye to all of her friends in the neighbourhood.ÂÂ

Minou sitting on my Paintings
As her second shot was administered and her spirit left her body, I closed my eyes. You don’t always have to but it really helps to see what can be seen with your own spirit.
In the top right hand corner of the room I could see her spirit as a baby kitten jumping and dancing and playing all love and light. She was playing this game she used to play with Roland many years ago when she was very young and they both loved it.ÂÂ
Love And Light
Christine and The Animals
Don’t forget to have a look at how God sends the spirit of our Animals back to us when we are ready.
Life After Life Scroll down to the second picture.ÂÂ