Lord, Your Word, Thank you for Growing My Faith

I’m going to start with a Bible story as an analogy, you can use your own story. It’s actually one of my favourite stories.

“Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord Save Me!” 

 Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him.”You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt me?”

The Bible

I was sixteen and I went up to Blue Mountain with some friends. There was a big group of us so we rented a bus. I’d never been skiing before but wanted to give it a try. In the morning I learned on the bunny hill with an Italian family who took me in. 

In the afternoon I joined my friends on the Big Hill. I went up in the chair lift with my friend Marianne. And we started down the hill. I was loving it, but all of a sudden I heard something and turned around, Marianne had taken a spill and was rolling down the hill. I remember thinking who do I think I AM I can’t ski down this big hill when I don’t even know what I’m doing, Marianne has been skiing for a while. I let go of my poles and fell. In my life I now what has taken me down. Lack of faith, I didn’t think I was good enough.

But now God, your word, Creation itself living inside of me, living inside of all living beings. That still small voice inside is growing my faith.

And I have a practice that allows me to live from that place. I go out into nature and I stop moving and I focus on the energy in my hands, my feet, my legs, my front, my back, my head and then I breathe from the top of my head to the tip of my toes. Long deep breaths and I feel Gods light, the holy spirit, consciousness, your word, moving through me, cleansing me, healing me, making me whole and taking away all doubt, guilt, shame and fear and then I can hear that still small voice inside of me and I know what my next step is. One step at a time.

Love and Light
Christine and The Animals

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“Her Spirit Returned And At Once She Stood Up”

‘Star And Leo Having A Glass Of Milk’ 36″ x 48″ OilPaint on canvas

Leo left June 2020. It seems like he was just here and it seems like I’ve been talking to him in the sky forever. Star has returned to us as Shannon, the beautiful blond young lady in the forefront. Tanya has returned as Caleb that handsome young fellow with the fooffy tail. 

Shannon And Caleb photographed by their mama Christine Kowal

I’m going to start with Christian words but use your own words or language. When Jesus left the earth he left the Kingdom of Heaven within us, the holy spirit. 

“Energy cannot be created nor can it be destroyed”

“Her spirit returned and at once she stood up”
Luke 8.55

God, Spirit, Love And Light, Creator, Consciousness your word is who we are. 

That which created us created everything and is at the centre of our being. When someone takes their last breath the physical body dies. The Breath leaves the body. The breath is life, is forever, is who we are, is spirit. And it goes home to God or you can say consciousness, your word. The Creator of all things does not die. That part of us that leaves the body and is who we truly are does not die.

Star’s breath left her body and her physical body died. Her spirit went home to God, Consciousness, your word, and God sent her back as Shannon. And sent me a message to go and get her.

I woke up one morning with the message or you can say thought, truth or understanding to give Martha a call and see if any puppies were coming. It turns out the puppies were here and the evening I went to choose my puppy I was standing in front of them, they were all bundled together and playing. 

I new I’d know. A sign was coming. They were all so cute, still no sign. Could I have been wrong. No God had been very clear that I was to have one of these puppies. 

‘Shannon Chose Me’ mixed media on paper By her human mama Christine Kowal

As I stood there wondering and asking God, my inner knowing, the all knowing inside of me to please make it very clear which one was my puppy. From beneath the pile of puppies up rose a beautiful white little puppy. She’d been buried underneath the pile playing on her own and then she rose up. There she was My Puppy. Thank you God

Let the mind go for a minute. Close your eyes and take three deep breaths, then keep your eyes closed for a few moments and  feel that peace. That is who you are, where all your knowing comes from. 

Your centre is Spirit, God, Light, Love, Universe, Creator, Consciounsness, Your word

If you know someone whose Family is Animal or someone who is waiting for someone’s spirit to return
 please forward them this newsletter.

Love And Light
Christine And The Animals